Robotic Arc Welding Technologist Course
The Robotic Arc Welding Technologist Course (RAWT) is the first dedicated Robotic Welding Training Course in India. It has been conceived and organized under the joint venture of The Indian Institute of Welding, Cloos India Welding Technology Pvt. Ltd. (a subsidiary of Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik GmbH), and Nextgen Plasma Pvt. Ltd. The course has been designed for both students as well as industry professionals with a course duration of approximately 1 month. This course is certified by IIW and Cloos.
The pilot session was held from 15th January to 12th February with the theoretical session conducted over online classes. The practical classes were held at Nextgen Application Centre where candidates were taught from a brief overview of manual arc welding to different modes of metal transfer to the complete understanding of Welding robots, their operations, programming, and welding. In the end, both theoretical and practical examinations were conducted based on which successful candidates were awarded the RAWT certificate.
The dates of the next RAWT session will be declared soon.